Sharobi German Shepherds





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about sharabi


   Our love affair with German Shepherds has been long and, like most other things we do, a family affair. We originally fell in love with the breed because of its legendary intelligence and loyalty.

   Our first companion led me to learn as much as possible and after much research and trial and error we finally found the bitch that would become the foundation of what's become Sharobi Shepherds. 

   A GV Sabra Dennis of Gan Edan daughter, Rascal and I did obedience, raised the kids, did child care and finally raised several outstanding litters of puppies. 

   Rascal's kids taught our daughter Tobi about handling and since then she has campaigned many of our dogs to their Championships and into group successes. She is always available to train and condition our dogs and presents them beautifully whether at a small show or the National Specialty. Grown and with a family of her own, Tobi continues being an active part of this kennel.

Santa with Sharobi German Shepherds

Sharobi German Shepherds

Sharobi German Shepherds

Sharobi German Shepherds

   Our breeding program is based upon breeding dogs to the standard. We want to enhance those characteristics that make this breed what it is -- trainability, loyalty, wonderful ground covering movement, elegance, nobility. And we will not sacrifice physical or mental soundness in any way. We now have up to 7 generations of our dogs in many of our pedigrees -- each generation the result of careful study and planning. We are pleased with the results.

Sharobi German Shepherds
   We spend much of our time up at our cabin -- and our dogs enjoy the mountains as much as we do. Life in town is fine -- but coming out to the mountains is freedom! The dogs swim, play, hike, snowmobile and partake in all other family outings. It's our special place and our pups soon learn when we are packing to head out of town.
Sharobi German Shepherds

Sharobi German Shepherds

   Like many small breeders in out of the way areas, it is difficult for us to find local show homes for our best pups so many of them never see the show ring. But they do get to have wonderful lives with families of their own. We love reunions with past puppy buyers and hearing of their successes with their Sharobi pups. It is especially gratifying to have one of our pups in training as a service dog. After all, German Shepherds are happiest when performing a task -- be it helping the physically challenged or supervising the family kids or going fishing with Dad. 

   Raising and properly training German Shepherd dogs is work and required dedication but it is incredibly rewarding. This is a very special breed and we feel humbled to be part of its future.

Sharobi German Shepherds

                               Sharobi German Shepherds

Sharobi German Shepherds

Sharobi German Shepherds

Sharobi German Shepherds

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